Hi my name is Marisa and my reason for creating this site is to educate people out there that have a passion to learn or are just curious about what it is that Spiritual Intuitives, Mediums and Healers do.... Do we believe in God?? What kind of people are we? Can YOU talk to someone who has died and how?? How do we talk to them? Do we see them? What do they say? What do they do in heaven? What is heaven like? Where is heaven? Are they always with us? Where do our pets go when they die? What are angels like? Are they ALWAYS around us? etc...etc...etc....
I answer these questions on a daily basis so I figured I might as well put the answers on a web site too. :)
My other reason for putting this site up is in hopes of helping other people like myself, who have discovered or have a feeling that they too have "psychic and spiritual gifts" but don't know what to do with them or how to develop them safely with protection from the light of Christ.
My dad and I published a book called Answers ~ Heaven Speaks last year
Please check it out on Amazon or here on our site under "Buy our books"
It's a SUPER easy read and so far people have been giving us great reviews, we are excited!!
I also have a blog, you can click on the title link and you will go directly to it!
"Discover Intuition One Day At A Time"
In my blog you will find that I mostly write about new experiences I have had since realizing that I was not just the
Real Estate and Mortgage girl I thought I was before having an out of body experience during a seizure induced car accident in May 2008. I am actually a Medium, an Intuitive Healer, and a Channel as well. Who would have ever thought?!?! Not me!!
I am not religious but all the work I do and everything I teach is Christ Centered.
My belief is that we are all spirit living a human experience and my belief is also that dogma and religion are not a requirement to co-create with God a beautiful, loving, educational, and exciting life for ourselves!
My belief is in the light of God and most importantly in God's unconditional Love and in Peace
I have a few free audio exercise below that you can use to start healing yourself and developing your intuition!
I hope you enjoy my site!
God Bless,